Frequently Asked Questions in Boynton Beach

Find out the answers Boynton Beach Chiropractors frequently give to patients seeking to learn more about chiropractic care at their office. Learning more about chiropractic and its benefits can help you find the best chiropractor for you. If you have a question you don't see answered below, reach out to your team at INSPIRE Chiropractic at (561) 396-9872.

Why Visit My Local Boynton Beach Chiropractor?

Over the years, chiropractic care has been able to show us benefits for a very range of symptoms that many of us feel every day. The spine is a very important part of the body, and if you are not properly aligned, you can start to develop discomfort or even pain. In addition to helping with increased range of motion, reducing stress and tension, and improving overall moods, receiving chiropractic services in Boynton Beach can have many positive effects on your health over the long term.

Correcting abnormalities in the spine can be easier if caught sooner, which is why we stress the importance of visiting your local Boynton Beach chiropractor to get your spine checked!

Our goal is to provide the best chiropractic care services in Boynton Beach.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

An adjustment by Dr. Nolt can provide you with some immediate relief from your spots of tension, and more importantly, it can make sure that you keep your back in proper condition so that you can find long-term relief from your symptoms. An adjustment will realign your spine in the way that best allows for your full range of motion. This, together with our customized treatments, can help heal and strengthen your body towards optimal health.

Inspire Chiropractic in Boynton Beach is known for using the advanced Torque Release Technique. This revolutionary device called The Integrator is used along with the chiropractic knowledge and expertise of Dr. Andrew Nolt to deliver pain-free chiropractic alignments. This tool makes it a simple process for the patient to get a comfortable experience while they feel the release of tension from their areas of discomfort.

My Back has been Hurting for a While Now, Should I be Worried?

If you have been delaying a visit to your chiropractor after a serious injury, it is best to seek treatment right away. If you have chronic issues that appear to have gotten worse recently, you will also want to make sure you schedule an appointment right away or risk your situation becoming worse.

There is no way to tell the severity of your symptoms until we can actually check you out in person. The best way to make sure that nothing is seriously wrong with the health and condition of your spine is to have a chiropractor have a look.

Should My Kids be Getting Chiropractic Treatments?

Children are typically much more active being in their younger and more energetic years. This, along with the fact that they are still quickly growing and developing means that it is a great idea to make sure that their spines are also in healthy conditions.

Pediatric chiropractic treatments are a great idea because you can also check if your child’s spine has any risk of developing improperly due to a spine condition. We recommend having your kids checked up and aligned by your local Boynton Beach pediatric chiropractor.


9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

3:00pm - 6:30pm

8:30am - 12:30pm

9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:30pm

By Appointment Only

Saturday & Sunday
Closed for Worship &
Community Outreach

INSPIRE Chiropractic

3000 South Congress Avenue #102
Boynton Beach, FL 33426

(561) 396-9872